International - 21 October 2014, 11:11
Oops... California woman gets stuck in chimney trying to sneak into home
International - 18 October 2014, 00:41
Arabs from Israel risk arrest for 'Arab Idol' show
International - 15 October 2014, 15:54
Apple, Facebook, to pay for female employees to freeze their eggs
International - 13 October 2014, 20:30
Maine holds Finish style of 'wife-carrying competition'
International - 03 October 2014, 22:07
Oops... 920 chickens killed by intruders at California farm
International - 30 September 2014, 13:10
FTC complains over 'caffeinated underwear' ads
International - 27 September 2014, 20:35
When joke on 'potato salad' goes serious
International - 26 September 2014, 22:32
Aha... A Russian way: Change western t-shirts with patriotic fashion items
International - 20 September 2014, 04:48
Ugh... Lizard in food sends 300 school children in India to hospital
International - 19 September 2014, 23:54
Banana peel study wins "Nobel" prize
International - 19 September 2014, 21:13
Oops... India TV anchor's sacked after naming China's Xi as 'Eleven'
International - 18 September 2014, 20:10
Now 'Yes' for saggy pants in Florida city
International - 10 September 2014, 21:17
Wow... Norway to rent Dutch prisons to cut convict queue
International - 08 September 2014, 17:40
Nicaragua says meteorite probable cause of blast in capital
Islam In Archipelago - 04 September 2014, 22:53
Ouch...,. Texas girl trapped in spinning washing machine at laundromat