Happening - 15 May 2024, 22:05
Serial 'The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2' Tayang Mulai 29 Agustus
Film - 15 September 2022, 19:06
Pemain Lord of the Rings Komentari Soal Serial 'The Rings of Power'
Film - 06 September 2022, 07:09
Hari Pertama Rilis, Serial 'The Lord of the Rings' Disaksikan 25 Juta Penonton
Film - 04 September 2022, 12:59
Disaksikan 25 Juta Pemirsa, The Rings of Power Cetak Rekor Pemutaran Perdana di Amazon
Blitz - 01 September 2022, 15:31
Jeff Bezos Senang Showrunners Serial Lord of the Rings Abaikan Sarannya
Film - 20 January 2022, 13:11
Serial The Lord of The Rings: Rings of Power Tayang Mulai 2 September 2022
Film - 14 August 2021, 19:07
Selandia Baru Respons Hengkangnya Produksi Lord of the Rings
Film - 03 August 2021, 09:48
Serial 'Lord of the Rings' Selesai Diproduksi